Remote Desktop Attacks Have Increased – Here’s What To Do

Windows Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a workhorse of remote connectivity, allowing users and administrators to connect to the desktops of far-flung machines and perform tasks as if they were sitting directly in front of them. As global workforces shifted to remote work at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, RDP’s use for accessing business systems increased dramatically. Hackers and cybercriminals took notice, and as a result, the move to remote work has seen a corresponding dramatic increase in RDP attacks.

3 Ways Your Business Is Leaking Data and How to Fix It

Protecting your data is sometimes easy and sometimes easier said than done. Many businesses – particularly small businesses – don’t know if or how they’re leaking data. A recent study found that 58 percent of companies don’t know how much data their employees share externally. And that’s just the beginning of the problem.

How to Keep Your Customer and Business Data Safe and Secure

Technology has become an essential part of business operations, and a growing number of industries are wholly reliant on technology for their day-to-day operations. This reliance on technology means that businesses generate more data than ever before. As a result, companies must have the means to access and store this data securely and efficiently, moving data security to the front of any technology conversation.

How to Avoid Getting Your Computer Hacked: Tips to Protect Yourself

Every other day, it seems like we hear about another company that has had its computer systems hacked. This can be a massive problem for businesses, resulting in the loss of confidential information, money, and even customer data. If you are concerned about your computer’s security, you need to read this article.

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